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Extended Hand-Bigtoe

Extended Hand to Big toe pose (Uttihita Hasta Pdangusthasana)

Standing extended leg
From Mountain pose
Bring your left knee to your chest
Place your right hand on your right hip
Take your hands in back of your left thigh to suport or
If you have more challenge,
take the index finger and the middle finger of your left hand to left foot and grab your left big toe
As you inhahale, extend your left leg straight out in front of you as much as possible
As you exhale, draw your left leg out to the side
Inhale, lengthen your spine and your core is engaged
Exhale, relax your shoulder and youe neck is long
Hold here and breathing
Switch your side

・Streaches legs and opens the hips
・Improves Balance
・Build focus
・Relieves menstrual discomfort and improves digestion


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